Recipe: Cannabis Honey


  • 1 oz. cannabis
  • 5 lb. container honey
  • Cheese cloth
  • Food string
  • Crock pot


  1. Make sure the cannabis is finely ground and wrap it in cheesecloth, making sure to seal the cheesecloth with string.
  2. Place the cannabis in the Crock pot and cover the cannabis in honey.
  3. Set the temperature for the crock pot on low.
  4. Cover the crock pot and simmer (do not allow the mixture to boil) for 4 hours, stirring occasionally.
  5. Remove the cannabis from the crock pot and strain the remaining honey from the cheesecloth.
  6. Let mixture cool.
  7. Pour honey into small jars.

The honey can be stored for up to 1 month.

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